It’s that time of the year where we make plans for the coming year. While most people make resolutions. I and Arif have a ritual to do an annual review.
It’s a series of questions to reflect on how the year went by. What we learned from it. Reflect on our guiding principles. Then make goals for the coming year.
We’ve found this helps us to stay motivated & focused on our goals. This year we did this annual review ritual with the entire Calm Achiever team.
Here are some of our highlights for 2019:
- Trained 2000+ people in GTD
- Participated in GTD Summit in Amsterdam
- Grew our Trainer team. We now have 6 certified GTD Trainers on board.
- Launched 6 Live Webinars and 2 Online Workshops
- Leveraging WhatsApp to build a community of GTD Practitioners
- First Holacracy Practitioner training in India with Brian Robertson
- Launched Mastering Difficult Conversations workshop
Here are some of our goals for 2020:
- Create an exclusive community of GTD Practitioners
- Use WhatsApp, Slack, Webinars & MindMarker to support GTD Practitioners after the workshop to help make GTD a habit
- Offer GTD virtual coaching
- Explore spreading GTD & Holacracy beyond India.
- Leverage Video to share the latest productivity tips
- Complete a Holacracy Practitioner Training in India with Brian Robertson
- Document and share inspiring stories of GTD Practitioners
- Grow our business development team
- Relaunch website to reflect all our offerings with a more power messaging
❓ Questions To Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever
Over the years we’ve picked up the most meaningful and powerful questions to guide us through this process. Here are the questions
🔍 Review of 2019
- What are you grateful for? List your experiences, people, accomplishments, learnings, events, circumstances.
- List your 3 top wins for the year
- What are you most happy about completing?
- What was the smartest decision you made in 2019?
- Who were the three people that had the greatest impact on your life in 2019?
- What is your biggest piece of unfinished business?
- What were your biggest disappointments?
- What have you learned from your experience?
🎨 What’s your Vision for 2020?
- What would make 2020 the best year ever?
- What advice would you like to give to yourself?
- What bad habits can you remove that will help you to achieve your goals?
- What are you looking forward to learning?
- What experiences would you like to have in 2020?
- What vision do you have for the people around you in 2020?
- What vision do you have for each of the roles you fill (parent, job, son, spouse etc)
🎉 Happy New Year 2020

We’re on a mission to help individuals & organizations achieve stress-free productivity ⚡😊. Let’s make it happen!
I believe our work should be an expression of our most creative selves. I work with business owners and their teams to achieve stress-free productivity.